Monday, February 2, 2009

Do I have too??

I have been dreading this day for a long time. Today is the day that I have to go through all of my kids clothes that are in storage in order to get them ready for the baby. It would be a lot easier if I knew the gender, but oh well.
Anyone who knows me knows I am not the most organized person ever, and when it comes time to clean out drawers because the kids have outgrown all of their clothes, I have to admit I just shove them in big garbage bags without any rhyme or reason. Well, that has come back to bite me now. I have about 15 full sacks to go through and wash, and I am not looking forward to it. I did have Micah buy bins so that now I can be a little more organized and it will be easier to grab clothes for the new little one every few months. (That is the one bad thing about babies, they grow like weeds and go through clothes sooo fast) It will be nice not to have to start out buying everything new.
I have also decided I am going to deliver two weeks early, that is why I am getting everything ready now..... HAHA yeah right, I would never get that lucky, but I am keeping a little glimmer of hope that maybe just maybe I will go even a few days early...That would be awesome. For those of you out there who are lucky enough to have your baby even a week early I am very jealous of you and don't think it's fair ;) I am to the point now where every day gets more and more uncomfortable and I still have three weeks. I hope I can make it, well actually I hope Micah can make it. I'm not the most pleasant person to be around these days. Hang in there Micah, almost done. I promise I'll be nicer in a few weeks.


Lara Neves said...

Worst job ever. I hate bin sorting day. Depending on my mood, I fold and sort them perfectly, or I just throw them in random bins. I really should stop that.

I hope you really do deliver 2 weeks early!

Andrea said...

I can't believe you're already that close to having the little one. Time has FLOWN by (for me, I'm sure not for you).

Good luck with the sorting. I tried to be organized, but every brand sizes differently, so sometimes an outfit would last a lot longer than the tag said. Then I didn't want to pull out the right sack, so . . .

Anyway, I feel your organizational pain.

Robyn Reynolds said...

I was so done like a month before I gave birth. I was so swollen and huge and couldn't sleep. I went 2 1/2 weeks early so hopefully you will get lucky.

mandy said...

I feel your pain. On all accounts!!! I only went early with Zack, since then I have had them the day before their due date. Let me know if you need anything!!

Brittany said...

I'm so excited for you guys. I can't wait to hear if you have a boy or girl. I hope everything goes good for you and hang in there I know those last few weeks are miserable. Let me know if you need anything!