Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fun times

Today we had a great time being outside with our friends Tony and Rachel and their kids and Our neighbors Austin and Crystal. We are blessed to have such great friends who are always there and for some reason seem to always be doing things for me and never let me pay them back. (Don't worry guys I will get you back somehow!)

I have some low spots in my yard that have been driving me crazy so I went to Home Depot to buy some sand to fill it in. I called and simply asked Tony what kind I needed and an hour later him and Rachel pulled up with a truck full of sand and started fixing my lawn for me. We are so lucky to have great friends. They are the best!!

Austin and Crystal let us use their old swimming pool so we filled it up with the rest of the sand we didn't use. It makes a great sand box for the kids. They love it and played in it all day long.

Thanks guys!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

That is so nice!